Encounter is a ministry of Main Street United Methodist Church.
You can visit the church website by clicking here.
Upcoming Fundraisers
We are so grateful for donations we receive from our patrons. Your support is one of the main reasons we have been able to sustain this ministry for 47 years! Through your donations, we are able to provide the opportunity for our students to travel outside the Riverbend area (many of whom would not get to do so otherwise) providing service to those less fortunate while spreading the Good News of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our yearly tour is a life-changing experience for many of our students. Donations of any amount are welcome! Thank you!
Upcoming Fundraisers
All fundraising is on hold for 2021 but if you wish to donate to the ministry, see the Donate Today button to the right.
Our business patrons have a special place in our hearts! We have many businesses within our community that believe in our ministry and support us year after year. Because of your support for us, we in turn try to patronize our business donors whenever possible. For a $75 contribution, we provide a business card ad in our seasonal program. These programs are then handed out to our audiences at each of our performances. Your ad would have the potential of reaching almost 2,000 people from Easter Sunday through the 2nd Sunday of August. If you have been a regular business contributor, or if it is your first time contributing as a business, please accept our sincerest thanks! Know also that with your help, we are changing the lives of our students!